Food & Wine

Le erbe del gusto e dei misteri
Data Saturday 14 June 2014
Orario 20:30
Luogo Locanda "Le Fate"
Indirizzo Via Dante Alighieri, 13 Smerillo

Tisi Trisha ti invita alle sue passeggiate, convegni, cene ed intrattenimento accomunati dalla scoperta delle erbe spontanee.

Per informazione più dettagliata contattare al tel. 320.4232453 -  0734.270454

Foto testo



Focaccia con tarassaco e pecorino

Rugni insaporiti con la salsiccia

Prosciutto al profumo di aglio e salvia


Pasta al sacco con ricotta ed ortica

Risotto con le fragole profumato al timo al limone


Arista di maiale rucola selvatica e pomodorini


Insalata Campagnola


Panna Cotta alla Mela Verde

Acqua, Vino, caffè e Mistra con la ruta

Prezzo di Circuito € 22.

Questo evento è stato visualizzato 19 volte


Food and Drink excellencies

The king of the beasts is most certainly the pig: locally the saying goes “nothing goes to waste” from him; amongst the ‘anti-pasti’ (= hors d’oeuvres) you can taste the famous ciabuscolo, the lonza, the fegatelli or fegatini (liver salame), the coppa, the sausages and other types of salame.

The territory and traditions: Genuine food

TheFood and Winetourism is a new way to travel, which is winning over an ever increasing number of passionate enthusiasts searching for authentic tastes and traditions. The quality and the authenticity have made the typical products of the Fermano gastronomy famous worldwide.

The Circuit of the traditional cooking of the territory

Here we cannot advise you of just one itinerary as gastronomy is the main live wire of the whole territory: in each small place you can find typical things which really do excel.
During your stay, look for initiatives of the “herb circuit” “Chi mangia la foglia” that organizes: conferences, events, didactical courses about wild herbs and vegetable garden management, tasting sessions and thematic dinners.

Places of interest
P.zza Piccolomini, 3
63900 Fermo (FM)
Contrada Cugnolo, 19
63900 Fermo (FM)
Via Montone, 13
63900 Fermo (FM)
Via Vecchia Pompeiana, 1
63900 Fermo (FM)
Via Pompeiana, 390
63900 Fermo (FM)

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