Monte Vidon Combatte
Via Giacomo Leopardi, 1
63847 Monte Vidon Combatte (FM)

Historical Notes
The liber Jurium (episcopal text of the town of Fermo) bears witness of the presence of Combatte, signore of monte Guidone as early as 1184.   Tradition tells of him, during a battle, having to send a message for help to his brother Corrado with the following sentence:  "Corri Corrado che Guidon Combatte" (Run Corrado as Guidon is at battle) giving it up to history.  Later the name Guidone, with the evolution of the language, seems to have been transformed into "Vidon".

Monuments and Churches
- Parish Church of San Biagio, from the XVIII century bell tower,  on the project of  'Arch. Maggi,  preserves "La Vergine col Bambino ", oil painting on canvas by Jacopo Agnelli of XV century. It has the characteristic of a double barrel-vault door.
- Small Church of San Procolo, with  XV century frescoes.  It used to hold custody of a polyptech work of art by Frà Marino Angeli dated 1457, now in the diocesan museum of Fermo.

Other attractions worth visiting
The Memorial Park, the little lake of the pescheria, the historical fountains and wash-houses and the medieval historical centre.


For information on the events organised by the town: Facebook page:

Typical products
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Vino cotto

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