Food & Wine

From good land to good food. The farming heritage of the Fermano area is expressed in the different aromas and tastes of the cooking of the territory: the salumi, for example the ciauscolo or the lonza, the fresh pasta like the maccheroncini of Campofilone, the typical local dishes, from vincisgrassi to the fish brodetto, and the traditional desserts like “lu serpe” and “lu fristingu”. The passion for good food and natural products has always brought together the inhabitants of the Marca Fermana territory.

Tipicità 2017

Inizia il conto alla rovescia per l’appuntamento con il Festival che propone tutte le sfaccettature del benessere e del buon vivere. Nei giorni 4, 5, 6 Marzo 2017, si svolgerà a Fermo, nelle Marche, presso il centro Convegni Fermo Forum la 25° edizione di Tipicità 2017.

Tipicità: Made in Marche Festvial

La città di Fermo nei giorni 5, 6 e 7 marzo ospiterà l’evento “Tipicità – Made in Marche Festival”, il cui successo lo ha portato a raggiungere la 24ª edizione.

The Circuit of the traditional cooking of the territory

Here we cannot advise you of just one itinerary as gastronomy is the main live wire of the whole territory: in each small place you can find typical things which really do excel.
During your stay, look for initiatives of the “herb circuit” “Chi mangia la foglia” that organizes: conferences, events, didactical courses about wild herbs and vegetable garden management, tasting sessions and thematic dinners.

The territory and traditions: Genuine food

TheFood and Winetourism is a new way to travel, which is winning over an ever increasing number of passionate enthusiasts searching for authentic tastes and traditions. The quality and the authenticity have made the typical products of the Fermano gastronomy famous worldwide.

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Places of Interest
P.zza Piccolomini, 3
63900 Fermo (FM)
Contrada Cugnolo, 19
63900 Fermo (FM)
Via Montone, 13
63900 Fermo (FM)
Via Vecchia Pompeiana, 1
63900 Fermo (FM)

©2020 Marca Fermana Via Oberdan, 1, - 63822 Porto San Giorgio (FM)
tel. +39 0734/221621 - e-mail:

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