

Anthropological-Geographic Museum of Amandola

Complesso di San Francesco - Largo Leopardi,1

Tel.: 0736/848598 - 338/6904069 - Fax: 0736/848598





The Museum, inaugurated on July 30, 2005, is the brainchild of both Legambiente and the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains and represents an opportunity to discover not just the natural appearance of the territory, but also the cultural one. You see what you know. What you don't know you can't see. The National Park of the Sibillini Mountains offers many landscapes to the eyes of the visitor. These are complex entities, shaped over time by mutual influence between man and nature, through work, settlements and cultural activity. The reading keys to understanding the signs and penetrating the secrets of these landscapes are preserved in the Anthropological-Geographic Museum: it is like an index of themes of the Park. Through this museum you can go along an interesting path towards images and media experiences that represent the complexity of relations between elements of the territory. However it is down to the visitors to investigate and immerse themselves in the content available, and then to go out and understand directly, with their own eyes, the words written in the landscape.

The "biologically diverse landscape" represents the natural structure of the Park, with the geological formations, the vegetable associations and the animal presences.

From the "human scenery" one can analyze the signs left in the environment by the work of men and from their settlements, from Roman times to monarchism, right up to contemporary models. They are the result of the integration between man and nature, the rural landscape shaped by the peasants, the copses and meadows designed by the charcoal burners and the shepherds, those of the areas consecrated by the monks.

In the area of the "landscape and its representation" is the in depth view of how myth, cinema and the arts in general have been able to grasp and communicate the multiple aspects of the territory.

In the last theme, the "future landscapes" both the new sceneries and the development designs of the National Park of Monti Sibillini are outlined.

The Lecturn of the Myth

Given that a landscape is not just a set of objective elements, but is also related to its representation over time, it is essential to go back over the stages, which have established the Sibillini territory’s cultural and artistic imagination.

The giant book placed on the lectern allows us to enter into the world of Sybille through literature: amongst the huge pages you discover the adventures of Antoine de La Sale, an explorer from Provence, who in 1420 wanted to attempt the ascent into the cave of the Sybille, and of Guerrin Meschino, hero created in 1410 by the pen of Andrea da Barberino.

Type: Territorial ethnography and anthropology

Services: information about the tourist fruition of the territory: how to get there, where to stay, what to do (trekking and hiking, mountain biking, horse riding, etc.), promotion and booking of excursions and of the activities of interpretation suggested by the Park Guides, information of events and activities promoted by the municipalities, by local authorities and by territorial associations; awareness and information about the rules of conduct to be followed in the protected area; sale of publications, promotional, informative and commercial literature relevant to the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains.


Opening hours:
During the winter period the museum is open for groups and schools by appointment only by telephoning: 338/6904069

From July 2nd to August 31st:

July: open every day (including festivities), from 10:00-12:30 / 16:30-19:00, except Tuesdays,

August: open every day from 10:00-12:30 / 16:30-19:00


Entrance fee:

Entrance to the museum with guided tour: € 5,00 (for schools and groups that visit the museum during the winter period)

Full price: 3 €; Reduced price: 2 €


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