The Fermano, the heart of the Marche region
The Marca Fermana is an ancient administrative subdivision of central Italy (c. 10th century), under the jurisdiction of the city of Fermo. It formed the original nucleus of today’s Marche region. The present “Marca Fermana,” which mostly coincides with the province of Fermo, is an area of extraordinary beauty characterized by deep historical and cultural roots. Marca Fermana is also a non-profit association that promotes culture and tourism in the area. And this is the association’s institutional website dedicated to Fermano, the heart of the Marche region.

Marca Fermana
Marca Fermana is a non-profit association created in 2008, which aims to welcome tourists, promote and enhance the territory of the Province of Fermo, in the Marche region.
Marca Fermana carries out its activities in collaboration with its 58 members. The association is a point of reference for all those in the area who deal directly and indirectly with tourism and who feel the need to make a system. The partnership consists of a network of public entities such as municipalities, the province and educational institutions, as well as private entities such as trade associations, tourism associations and banking institutions.
Since its founding, the association has focused its activities in the promotion and enhancement of the territory, both through classic offline communication tools (such as the drafting and dissemination of printed information materials), and through the most effective and modern online communication systems such as the web and the main social networks where its members’ events and all the news of the territory are disseminated.
During the January-May period Marca Fermana participates in the main Italian and foreign fairs during which it promotes the entire provincial territory. The fairs allow the association to meet with sector operators but above all with the end users, the tourists, who every year choose the Fermano area as the destination of their vacation in the Marche region, establishing with them a direct contact aimed at lasting over time.
With the publication of the Marketing Plan of the Province of Fermo, Marca Fermana Association has been identified as a possible DMO (destination management organization) of the Fermo area and thus responsible for the management and marketing of the tourism destination.
The Board of Directors
Board Offices
The President: Luca Pezzani
The Vice President: Giamaica Brilli
The Secretary/Treasurer: Joseph Galasso
Composition of the Board of Directors
– Luca Pezzani – Municipality of Petritoli (President) – Erika Acciarri – Province of Fermo – Annalisa Cerretani – Municipality of Fermo – Ivano Bascioni – Municipality of Belmonte Piceno – Marco Maria Lucidi – Municipality of Sant’Elpidio a Mare – Giuseppe Galasso – Municipality of Pedaso – Diego Mandolesi – Municipality of Ponzano di Fermo – Giorgio Grifonelli – Municipality of Montefalcone Appennino – Simone Lilla – Agritur Aso – Andrea Marsili – Confindustria Fermo – Alessandro Migliore – CNA – Giamaica Brilli – Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo – Cristina Corradini – ITET “Carducci-Galilei”
The 34 municipalities, members of the Marca Fermana Association.
The Province of Fermo
The Province of Fermo is a small entity composed of 40 municipalities (33 of which have a population of less than 5,000) concentrated in an area of less than 900 square kilometers with a total population of 167,824. (as of January 1, 2023 – Istat). The territory is characterized by three valley axes traversed by the three main watercourses: the Aso, the Ete and the Tenna. Facing the Adriatic Sea to the east, it borders the Province of Macerata to the northwest and the Province of Ascoli Piceno to the south.
The typical landscape of this area is the hilly one that inspired the works of Osvaldo Licini, a native painter of Monte Vidon Corrado, and is enclosed between a linear and largely sandy coastline and a mountainous area included within the Monti Sibillini National Park.
A circumscribed territory, but with a marked sense of belonging and a strong identity due to a socio-economic fabric with a prevalent artisan vocation of which the small business districts are representative, including the shoe and hat districts. From the sharecropping agricultural reality to the family-run artisan workshop, a widespread system of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises has developed since the 1960s, characterized by high specialization and production of the highest quality, recognized and appreciated worldwide. To date, more than 19,000 enterprises are active in the area, including about 3,100 in the manufacturing sector.
Fermano’s other great excellence is agricultural production, which is concentrated mainly in Valdaso and the mountainous areas, which is also capable of standing out for the quality and variety of native species cultivated and for the products that are highly appreciated especially by tourists, who are also growing in the provincial territory. Fruit, wine and truffles are the excellences that best represent Fermano at the table and constitute its important calling card.
Bodies and Associations
The 20 subjects Entities and Associations, members of the Marca Fermana Association.